Our Products

Curtis Superior Valve Co., Inc. makes a wide range of valves to solve a wide range of problems. We have over forty (40) standard valve designs engineered, manufactured and tested to exacting specifications. All manufactured in the U.S.A..

Our valves have aerospace, military and industrial applications, and most are listed as 'Qualified Products' by the Air Force, Army, Navy and the FAA. Our Quality Systems are compliant and meet International Standard ISO 9001, Military Standard Mil-I-45208, FAA TSO-C76 and FAA-PMA.

Curtis Superior Valve standard designs are spring loaded closed. Valve springs are made from non-corrosive, long lasting stainless steel. Valve bodies and moving parts are manufactured to precise standards with low tolerances and are available in anodized aluminum, brass, cadmium plated brass, and stainless steel. Most seals are made of a specially compounded "cure dated" synthetic rubber to withstand a wide variety of liquids over a broad temperature range. Our valves use a wedge seal design which help to prevent leakage and improve seal life. All oil drain valves use a Viton compound, for long life in high temp. applications.

Curtis Superior Valve is experienced in valve design and can help solve your valve problems. In most cases, a standard Curtis Superior Valve will do the job, or a slight modification of a production unit will answer a specific problem. We will be glad to give you any assistance you may require with your Quick Drain Valve application.


Curtis Superior Valves are designed for installation in a standard NPT port for NPT threaded valves or an AND-10050 stlye port for UNF threaded valves. Use a sealant on NPT threaded valves or a fuel resistant o-ring of the proper size for UNF threaded valves. Refer to aircraft manufacturers torque specifications for the aircraft in which it is being used. Curtis Superior Valves require no special maintenance. Keep them reasonably clean and replace according to the prescribed synthetic rubber maintenance schedule for the aircraft in which they are used or 10 year usable life per Curtis Superior Valve, whichever occurs first. Curtis Superior Valves cannot be overhauled with the exception to the valves listed with replaceable O-rings.


Due to the low replacement cost of Curtis Quick Drain Valves versus the cost of replacement seals, breakage of seals in overhaul installations and labor costs, it is not recommended they be overhauled with the exception to the valves listed with replaceable O-rings. Replace the entire valve in accordance with the instructions in MAINTENANCE above or should they begin to leak.

Valve information


Curtis Superior Valves that use a special flat molded seal, can not be overhauled. If the valve is leaking, clean the seal area and recheck for leakage. If the valve continues to leak, replace the entire valve per the aircraft maintenance schedule. Curtis valves have a life expectancy of 10 years under normal operating conditions.

We recommend the following thread sealant:

1. Pipe threads: 1/4” teflon tape, Permatex 80632 Thread Sealant, Loctite 592 PST Pipe Sealant

2. Straight Threads: Lubricating Oil

Torque Specifications:

Flush Fuel Valves O.E.M. & Manufacturers Cross Reference

Please click here for printable PDF data sheet.

Curtis® is a Registered Trademark of Curtis® Superior Valve Co., Inc.